Monday, August 31, 2009

a brief conversation w/ my speaking voice

hello you are you feeling today?

i don't want to talk about it ..... you know it will only hurt you if i choose to open up and use your voice what is the point?

i know that one knows what i feel like today....yesterday..last night ? i am all stuffed with emotions..painful or wonderful...crazy or creepy....creative or funny even. I am so lonely sometimes and if i go to a party and see a person there that makes me happy and excited I forget to remember in time that if i use you and start conversating ....all HELL will break loose in my head.....i will go home and those gnarly little speelunkers will start crawling through my head and spreading out into every corner of my brain.....their spiky axes start chippin away at my sanity.....SOOO....I WANT TO YELL AND REALLY OPEN YOU UP...rev up your engine and really go to town....then it becomes a regular MERY-GO-ROUND of pain!

OK Let me see if i understand what you just asked me to do....Open your badly crumpled, but rebuilt and f#@%*@- around- with mouth ....let someone in on your particularly insightful and amusing (according to you) remarks on "OUR" life .....then feel great for about two minutes...get home..go to bed...have nutty nightmares BIG that u wake up...and threaten to open me up (again)....ARE..U..KIDDIN..ME......OH yeah sounds like a real i don't want to be a part of But...Hey it's your mouth.. right... i'm just the voice you go ahead and do what you want... let me say one word of warning.....CONSEQUENCES?....I'M JUST THINKING OUT LOUD HERE....oh i didn't mean to get so loud there...ok that's all...really..everything.... i am not gonna say may be on to something here...Damn. Are you still with me...mouth?

OH yeah, I think we have my least for tonight...please...sleep TIGHT!


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